I'm facing the truth

Alice langar ett av mina favorit citat och det gjorde hon bra.
Ska fortsätta i det spår vi avslutade igår och det gör jag citatet här under. Ett citat som träffar mig mer och mer för varje dag.

At this moment, there are sixbillion, four hundred seventy million, eight hundred eighteen thousand, six hundred seventy one people in the world.
Some are running scared.
Some are coming home.
Some tell lies to make it through the day.
Others are just now facing the truth.

Some are evil men, at war with good.
And some are good, struggling with evil.
Six billion people in the world, six billion souls, and sometimes..
all you need is one.

Who's the one?


Postat av: Anonym

I one, but not the one..

2008-11-25 @ 13:26:02

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